The Astronautics Lab

A podcast for those who want to really understand how space and space technology work. Why do planets orbit stars? Why are rocket nozzles shaped the way they are? How do we get to other planets and beyond? These topics and more are explained in an intuitive, yet scientifically accurate, way. If you are a curious individual, and you share an excitement for space then I warmly welcome you to join us in learning about space technology.

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Too Much Space

Wednesday Jun 03, 2020

Wednesday Jun 03, 2020

We start our journey by getting an understanding of space. We try to get a feel for what is in space, and try to wrap our heads around just how big it really is.

Viva Vis Viva

Thursday Jun 04, 2020

Thursday Jun 04, 2020

In this episode we talk about what orbits are. We investigate how objects move in space, and how we can describe their motion.

Equal and Opposite Reaction

Monday Jun 15, 2020

Monday Jun 15, 2020

An introduction to the basic principles of a rocket engine. How rockets work, and how they can move us through space.

Up Up and Away

Wednesday Jul 01, 2020

Wednesday Jul 01, 2020

An overview of the launch of a rocket. We explore the most important factors and events present during the ascent.

Playing With Fire

Tuesday Sep 01, 2020

Tuesday Sep 01, 2020

In this episode we investigate the fundamentals of chemical rocket engines. We look into the main types of chemical rockets and the effect of nozzles on our performance.

Slightly Perturbed

Sunday Feb 28, 2021

Sunday Feb 28, 2021

In this episode we delve into orbital perturbations. We look at some of the forces that alter the paths of orbiting bodies.

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